Fundacje rodzinne

Rejestrujemy i prowadzimy bieżącą obsługę prawną i podatkową fundacji rodzinnych.
Małgorzata Śledzińska

Małgorzata Śledzińska

Attorney-at-Law, Coordinator, Counsel

Corporate services, court disputes, including financial institutions

  • Specializes in civil law, commercial law, commercial law and procedural law;
  • has many years of experience in comprehensive legal services for business entities, including all types of companies, from various economic sectors (agricultural, industrial, and service industries);
  • has many years of experience in conducting court proceedings;
  • represents financial institutions and State Treasury companies in court disputes;
  • represents banks in court disputes with consumers regarding foreign currency loans (CHF).


  • graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan;
  • completed her attorney-at-law training at the Poznań Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law (2016);
  • entered on the list of attorneys-at-law.


  • Polish
  • English