Fundacje rodzinne

Rejestrujemy i prowadzimy bieżącą obsługę prawną i podatkową fundacji rodzinnych.

Izabela Maludy

Attorney-at-Law, Senior Associate

Legal business services, court cases, insurance

  • Has experience in providing ongoing legal services to business entities and individual clients, including negotiating and reviewing contracts, representing them in disputes and related proceedings;
  • main areas of her practice include civil, corporate and insurance law;
  • she cooperated with law firms serving entities operating in the insurance and production sectors, advising and securing their interests.


  • graduate of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, majoring in Law;
  • completed legal advisor training at the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Poznań;
  • entered on the list of legal advisors.


  • Polish
  • English