Fundacje rodzinne

Rejestrujemy i prowadzimy bieżącą obsługę prawną i podatkową fundacji rodzinnych.

Monika Partyka

Barrister, Adwokat, Associate

Litigation with financial institutions, conducting proceedings under civil and criminal law

  • Specialises in civil, criminal and commercial law;
  • in her practise focuses on non-litigation methods of dispute resolution, including conducting conciliatory negotiations;
  • cooperated with law firms, where she gained experience providing comprehensive legal services, as well as representing Clients before courts;
  • advises Clients on day-to-day corporate services;
  • member of the litigation team against CHF loans.


  • graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Rzeszów;
  • completed postgraduate studies in negotiation and mediation at the University of Rzeszów, thus obtaining the title of mediator;
  • completed legal training at the Rzeszów Bar Association;
  • entered on the list of attorneys;
  • entered in the list of mediators.


  • Polish
  • English